Legal notice

1. Identity of the owner of this website

UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS, S.L. Pol. Ind. 'Els Garrofers', 56 Phone: +34 937 540 410 Fax: +34 937 594 311 Email: NIF: B20501284, registered with the Commercial Registry of Barcelona under Volume 46778, Folio 161, Sheet B-530621.

2. Contents of the webpage, service

Through this website, UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS, S.L. offers information on the company and its professionals. Moreover, it provides Users with contact information (including through electronic media) in order that they may communicate with the company on any matter (questions, suggestions, to send a CV, etc.). Likewise, UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. may provide the Users with third-party content, advertising, and links. As such, the following terms are established: * Third-party content: UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. does not guarantee and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, reliability, integrity, or legality of any advertisements, opinions, offers, proposals, products, goods, services, data, or other information shown or distributed through the Website and unrelated to UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. The User acknowledges and accepts that UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. assumes no responsibility for the Contents shown or distributed through the Website. UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. has the right, but no obligation, to, at its own discretion, correct errors or omissions in any part of the Website, to display any specific information to uphold certain laws or regulations, and to edit, modify, reject, or delete any Content, in all or any part of the Website. * Advertising: The transactions of the User with Third Party Advertisers found on or through the Website are made solely and exclusively by and between the User and the Advertisers. The User acknowledges and accepts that UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. will assume no liability for damages of any kind resulting from the transactions or information of Third Party Advertisers on the Website, given that such actions are unrelated to UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. and are freely made by the advertiser and the User. * Links: On this Website the User may find links to other websites managed by third parties. The establishing of any links, unions, redirections, or associations ('links') with other webpages (www) accessible through the Website (I) does not imply the existence of any manner of relationship, collaboration, or dependence whatsoever between UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. and the party responsible for the other website; and (II) does not constitute a guarantee by UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. for the User. As such, and given that the User may find on this Website information from third parties, unless expressly otherwise established by UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L., UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. is in no way party to, involved in, or responsible for the transactions, agreements, contracts, or disputes existing between the Users and the respective seller of the Product or provider of the Service. In case of any disputes, the User holds UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. and its agents and employees harmless in any litigations, claims, or liabilities of any kind, relating to or arising from such transactions, agreements, contracts, or disputes.

3. Industrial and intellectual property

The User acknowledges and accepts that all intellectual and industrial property rights over the Contents and/or any other elements included on the Website (including, but not limited to, trademarks, logos, texts, images, videos, graphics, etc.), are the property of UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. and/or to third parties. Access to this Website does not in any case imply acquisition on the part of the User of any property rights over the contents contained on this Website. Without the express consent of UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L., the User may not modify, lease, loan, sell, copy, reproduce, transfer, distribute, or create derivative works based on the Website or its contents. The User may not connect this Website to another website, resell or redistribute any part of the Website, or provide third parties with access to the Website.

4. Privacy and protection of information

4.1 Anonymous browsing and cookies

UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. informs the Users that no cookies are used when browsing through its Website. As such, unless the User voluntarily provides UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. with his/her personal information through the Contact Forms included for this purpose or through the published email addresses, his/her browsing will be entirely anonymous, and that no manner of identification is required to view the contents of this Website.

4.2 Personal information and information services

Any personal information which is voluntarily provided to UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. through any contact forms it may include will be used in the manner therein expressed and at all times in adherence to Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13 on the Protection of Personal Information. The sending of emails using the contact addresses published implies the express consent of the User for the use of his/her email address in order to respond to his/her contact through the sending of email or other equivalent means of electronic communication.

5. Obligations of the User

5.1 Responsibility of the User

The User is aware and voluntarily accepts that the use of the Website takes place at all times under his/her own and exclusive responsibility. The User will be liable for any damages of any kind which UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. may suffer as a result of the violation of any of the obligations to which he/she is subject with regard to the use of the Website as under current legislation.

5.2 Compliance with the Law

The User agrees to access and use the Website in accordance with the Law, the 'General Conditions of Use', as well as generally accepted standards of decency and morality. Likewise, the User agrees not to use the Website for illicit or illegal purposes, in manners harmful to the rights of third parties, or in any way that may damage or disable the Website or the rights of third parties.

5.3 Non-interference with the Website

The User represents, warrants, and expressly agrees not to send, transfer, distribute, or publish through the Website any materials that (I) restrict or prevent the use or enjoyment of the Website by other Users; (II) are illegal, threatening, abusive, harmful, slanderous, defamatory, hateful, racist, obscene, vulgar, offensive, pornographic, disrespectful to religions, or indecent; (III) constitute or may constitute facts that may give rise to civil claims or criminal charges; (IV) harm, violate, plagiarize, or infringe on the rights of third parties, including intellectual and industrial property rights; (V) contain viruses or any harmful component capable of interrupting, destroying, or limiting the functionality of any programs or computer equipment; (VI) the User is not authorized to transmit; (VII) constitute unsolicited or subliminal advertising materials; or (VIII) contain false or misleading indications or instructions. The User represents, warrants, and expressly agrees to (I) refrain from interfering with the Website or the services related to the Website and to obey the requirements, systems, and procedures thereof; (II) refrain from obtaining unauthorized access to other systems through the Website; (III) refrain from influencing the Website in such manner that it is negatively affected in the transactions of other Users; (IV) refrain from acting in a false and unauthorized manner on behalf and in representation of other persons or entities; and (V) refrain from conducting practices that constitute unfair competition.

5.4 Good faith action

The User may freely contract services or products, request information, or perform any other action available on the Website of UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L., but, in all cases, he/she must respect the conditions published on the Website and act in good faith.

6. Limitation of liability

6.1 Regarding the functioning and availability of the Website

UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the functioning of the Website or of other Websites with which a link has been established. Likewise, UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. will in no case be liable for any damages that may derive from (I) the lack of availability of or accessibility to the Website or of/to any other sites with which a link has been established; (II) the interruption of the functioning of the Website or computer failures, telephone breakdowns, disconnections, delays or blocks caused by deficiencies or overloads on telephone lines, in the Internet system, or in other electronic systems that may occur during the course of its functioning; and (III) other damages that may be caused by third parties through unauthorized interferences outside the control of UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. uses virus detection programs to control all Contents included on the Website. However, UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. does not guarantee the absence of viruses or any other elements on the Website introduced by third parties unrelated to UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. that may affect the physical or logical systems of the Users or the electronic documents and files stored on their systems. As such, UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. will not in any case assume liability for any damages of any kind that may derive from the presence of a virus or other elements that may affect the physical or logical systems, electronic documents, or files or the Users. UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. reserves the right to interrupt access to its Website at any time and without notice.

6.2 On contents and quality of the Service

UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. assumes no liability for the lack of usefulness or suitability for a specific use of this Website. UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. also assumes no liability for any damages that may be suffered by the User for any errors or omissions that may exist in the contents of this Website, while it does agree to periodically verify and monitor the contents and information of this Website.

6.3 On use

UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. will assume no liability in any case for the use of the Website or the Contents by the Users or for any damages that may derive therefrom.

6.4 On links to other websites

In the event that links are established to third-party websites, the User will access their contents under his or her own responsibility and pursuant to the conditions of use that govern them. The User acknowledges and accepts that UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. is in no way, directly or indirectly, liable for any damages caused by access to such links. In the event that UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. becomes aware that, in fact, the information or activity to which such links connect is illicit, constitutes a crime, or may cause damage to the property or rights of any third party subject to indemnification, it will act with the necessary diligence to remove or disable the corresponding link as soon as possible.

7. Actions in case of violation

UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS S.L. reserves the right to take any actions available under the law to seek redress in cases deriving from violation of any of the provisions of this Legal Notice on the part of a User.

8. Partial nullity

Any declaration rendering null or void or invalidating any terms of this Legal Notice will in no way affect the validity or effectiveness of the remaining provisions, which will continue to be binding upon the parties.

9. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

The provision of the service of the Website and this Legal Notice are subject to Spanish legislation, and any disputes deriving from or relating to this Website will be resolved by the competent courts and tribunals of the City of Barcelona, Spain.


UNITED BARCODE SYSTEMS, S.L. as the data controller will process your data for the purpose of replying to your query or request. You may access, rectify and erase your data, and also exercise other rights by consulting the additional detailed information on data protection in our Privacy Policy.